First off, let me set the stage: I’ve got a bit of a thing for the subconscious mind. It’s like a backstage pass to our habits and thoughts, tweaking the dials for better or for worse. Ever since I was a little girl with a brain injury, I’ve been all about brain health. It’s like my brain was sending mixed tapes full of funky signals to my body… and voilà, my neuro-obsession kicked off! So, you can imagine the drumroll in my head when I got to dive into some subconscious mind, promising to explore the caverns of our craniums.
What is PSYCH-K®?(
- a non-invasive, interactive process of change with a proven record of success for over 30 years!
- a simple, yet powerful process to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging
- a unique blend of various tools for change, some contemporary and some ancient, derived from contemporary neuroscience research, as well as ancient mind/body wisdom
- a groundbreaking approach to facilitating change at the subconscious level where at least 95% of our consciousness operates.
- a process that transcends the standard methods of visualization, affirmations, will power, and positive thinking especially effective in the areas of behavioral /habit change, wellness and stress reduction
According to the website, the practice seems to combine subconscious work with holistic approaches to conquer self limited beliefs. Some of these beliefs can be innocent like: “I’m so awful at timekeeping” or they can be deep rooted, traumatic memories from abusive situations.
Unlike other methods of subconscious work, like affirmations or even hypnotherapy that take a long time to integrate into the deeper conscious layer of our minds. Psych-K offers a direct route through the use of muscle testing and eye movements. Quite frankly, as a wellness writer and wellness coach, I would be guilty of feeling like I had things figured out for myself to change any undesirable habits; a little breathwork here, a little yoga there, maybe some meditation cures most ails. But, as all shadow work eventually brings to light, we have deeper rooted things that stem from our core beliefs. The only thing we really know is, we don’t know anything! I was going through a pretty stressful time, and dealing with some long harboured shame and beliefs from an abusive relationship, when I approached my Practitioner Joanne to see if she could help. It also helped that I had a looming court date approaching with said person, and was extremely anxious about having to face them.
We set up a meeting via zoom and I thought, in my naiveite, that it was going to be like a hypnotherapy session, where I would lie down and be put under some magic spell to relieve me of my insecurities. I was pleasantly surprised that it was like a magic spell, but for different reasons… I was firstly greeted by a warm and friendly Joanne and presented with some goals for the session, she asked me what id like to change and what was holding me back.
I quite frankly told her I was done with the exhaustiveness with the issues with my ex, and that I wanted to use some of my uniqueness to my advantage and she gave me the opportunity to come up with 6 new beliefs to place into my subconscious, and action steps to compliment them, thus changing my perspective on myself and my abilities to navigate life.
The first belief was around my image of myself and feeling “different”, I suffered a stroke when I was 9 years old and dealt with being in a wheelchair and a subsequent speech impairment for years after- although I am fine presenting now, I am hyper aware of feeling different to my peers at times and insecurities arise from those long standing childhood memories of being the disabled girl in class. The new belief we came up with was: My superpower is being different. So simple, yet so effective. Being familiar with Neurolinguistic Programming, and teaching affirmations myself, I knew this was a fab one to start with, because in essence, your brain listens to what you tell it. And if I associated a positive with being different, instead of a negative, of course my self image would improve!
The interesting thing about this practice though was the implementation method of “placing” the new belief into my subconscious. I had to do various muscle movements and Joanne could determine whether i accepted the belief or not; not surprisingly, considering how long I had held the notion for, I didn’t in the first instance. Then we went about changing that with some more muscle movement, while focusing on the statement, this ended with an open-arm-joining-together-technique which was quite cathartic in itself.
We repeated the process for all 6 of the new beliefs and added in some confidence boosting sayings for my upcoming court date, and when joining together the open arms, I could feel resistance in my arms to “stickier” beliefs. Most notably, the belief regarding centredness in the midst of interrogation(a direct impending court case ), was the one I noticed the most dramatic reaction to. Both with the said “stickiness” and the 360 attitude change in regard to my nervousness about the case. I literally felt…. nothing. no nervousness, no anxiety, no what ifs?
Remember I said about the magic spell? It was if I snapped my fingers and those things never were. I don’t quite understand the logistics of Psych-K, and quite frankly I don’t need to: i just need the scientific knowledge that changing limiting beliefs subconsciously can change your life, and finding the right Practitioner makes all the difference.
Joanne Morgan is based in NI and offers sessions both in person and via zoom. When I told her the astounding results I had received and thanked her precariously, she graciously told me it was all my own brain.
So thank you to Joanne, and thank you to my brain x