Category: Wellness Blogs
B12: Shots on your lunch hour that won’t get you fired! Boost your Energy, Beauty and Hormonal Health with direct B12 shots.
Girrrl were tired…. The normal conversation between myself and my friends now in our 30s, has quickly replaced the dating/ going out plans conversations that dominated our 20s. We are all tired. All the time. And take for granted the dancing and drinking all night, and 8am gym sessions we used to complete so eloquently… Read more
The Psych-K method promises rapid subconscious reprogramming to accelerate wellness.
First off, let me set the stage: I’ve got a bit of a thing for the subconscious mind. It’s like a backstage pass to our habits and thoughts, tweaking the dials for better or for worse. Ever since I was a little girl with a brain injury, I’ve been all about brain health. It’s like… Read more
Infa-red Saunas. Not just a load of hot air.
Checking into to the steamy sauna after a work out or on a Spa day is the ultimate treat for some. Laying there in your smalls in a hot room with the coals gently sizzling is meant to have some wonderful effects on your body. Muscle rejuvenation, heart health and lung benefits to name a… Read more
Being ‘salty’ can be beneficial – just ask Shakespeare… sort of.
I’m not talking about the sassy backfires you might toss at Carol from accounting; I’m referring to Epsom salts, the very same ones that your grandmother swore by for her “pains.” My recent journey into the realm of health and wellness folklore—spurred on by a TikTok-induced suspicion of ADHD—has unearthed some fascinating finds. Indeed, Lucozade… Read more
Adding a Lazy Day a week to be more productive.
Hey you Lazy SOB’s! Get off your butts and…. get on your butts for the most encouraging news you will hear this year! Being Lazy is good for you! Stick around to discover why being a sloth for a day could be the secret spice in your busy life recipe. If you want to show… Read more
Hues that girl? Getting a colour analysis to develop a personal style.
Like many women, I spend my life bombarded by images of fashionable trends and clothing choices. We are faced with a barrage of videos, adverts, suggestions on how to look good and be stylish, but no on ever actually explains how to be stylish. I naturally assumed that if you knew, you had the gift!… Read more
Newsflash! Going through other peoples things helps environment.
You heard me. And I don’t mean sneaking into your neighbours house to see what kind of crockery they are storing either(I can see mine being Denby girlies themselves). I’m talking other peoples clothes specifically. In the fight against fast fashion (and its evil sequel, too fast too fashioney). This term fight against has been… Read more
Dress yourself happy.
Do you think there is some happiness hiding in your wardrobe? I don’t mean Narnia otherworldly things either beyond the the hangers, I mean literal home grown happiness in your clothing items? Psychology says YESS girl! And, the good news is, there’s hope for us all, if the solution to extracting some well needed feel… Read more
I gave people compliments for a week, for selfish reasons.
I’m not going to beat around the bush here, ill just state a fact. Everybody loves a compliment. “Hey, I love your hair/ jacket/makeup/clothes!” We’ve all heard it, and felt the rush of gratefulness at hearing the nice things. We blush, or brush it off, but on the whole it makes us feel good. But… Read more
LazyGirlsGuide to holding hands with a stranger on the High St in the name of wellness.
Girl(or guy), I hear you. Finding the time is hard. If you’re working, running a home, a parent, a person in this day and age in general. It’s hard! It’s hard to find the time for any self care, let alone lying down for 30-60 mins in a bathrobe for a Swedish. Even though we… Read more