Being ‘salty’ can be beneficial – just ask Shakespeare… sort of.

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I’m not talking about the sassy backfires you might toss at Carol from accounting; I’m referring to Epsom salts, the very same ones that your grandmother swore by for her “pains.” My recent journey into the realm of health and wellness folklore—spurred on by a TikTok-induced suspicion of ADHD—has unearthed some fascinating finds.

Indeed, Lucozade does seem to perk you up when you’re under the weather (thanks to its glucose and electrolyte magic), an apple a day keeps the doctor’s bills at bay (all that fibre keeps the plumbing in check), and Epsom salts? They’re the jack-of-all-trades for a slew of health quirks and more!

Epsom salt, a humble household staple, doubles as a supplement, bath additive, or a beauty enhancer. It’s known for its minimal side effects and a laundry list of potential health perks.

This budget-friendly bathroom buddy is a go-to for a myriad of maladies. From soothing gym-weary muscles to calming the storm of stress, it’s a low-cost, low-effort solution that’s safe when used as directed. So, next time you’re feeling a bit off-kilter, remember that sometimes the best remedies are the ones hidden in plain sight—or in this case, in granny’s cupboard.

Epsom salt stands out because it consists of magnesium and sulphate, nutrients absent in other salts(Although Himalayan and Dead Sea salts also boast some pretty impressive nutrients, Paxo…not so much). Its distinctive composition leads to unique applications, and The initial discovery of magnesium sulphate dates back to the era of Shakespeare in Epsom, England, which accounts for the origin of the term ‘Epsom salt.’ For hundreds of years, this salt has been used to treat ailments, such as electrolyte abnormalities, constipation, eclampsia, and arthritis.

When Epsom salt is dissolved in water, it releases magnesium and sulphate ions. The idea is that these particles can be absorbed through your skin, providing you with magnesium and sulphates — which serve important bodily functions. And the most common use for Epsom salt is in baths, where it is simply dissolved in bathwater. It can also be applied to your skin as a cosmetic or taken by mouth (food grade only) as a laxative or magnesium supplement. However, because of its laxative effects, it might not be an ideal choice as a magnesium supplement if your goal is to prevent deficiency.

So why is Magnesium good for us?

Magnesium: it’s not just for the periodic table anymore! It’s the fourth most popular mineral in the human body—after calcium, which is hogging the spotlight. This multitasking mineral is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions that keep your heart ticking and your nerves firing. Yet, despite its VIP status, magnesium is the nutrient that many plates are missing. Some folks argue that a dip in Epsom salts can boost your magnesium levels better than a supplement.

And let’s talk about sleep and stress. Magnesium is like the body’s natural chill pill, essential for snoozing and losing the stress. Some say that Epsom salt baths are the ticket to dreamland and a zen-like calm. But scientifically? The jury’s still out, probably taking a coffee break. So, while we wait for the science to catch up, maybe just enjoy the bath for what it is—a nice, relaxing soak.

Additionally, Numerous folks have found that diving into an Epsom salt bath does wonders for fibromyalgia and arthritis symptoms. It seems magnesium is once again the superhero here, swooping in to save the day for those lacking in it. And there’s this one study from 2015 where 15 women with fibromyalgia gave their skin a magnesium soak every night, and voila, their symptoms disappeared!

Its worth noting an interesting quip I came across during this research, for those who enjoy a tipple…. An Epsom salt bath can potentially help a hangover!

How to prepare an Epsom Salt Bath

It seems Diving into an Epsom salt bath is the go-to move for relaxation!

Just toss in 2 cups, or roughly 475 grams, of Epsom salt into your average bathtub and let your body marinate like a good steak.

Want those grains to vanish faster? Sprinkle them under the tap while it’s running.

Lounge in there for a solid 20 minutes, and you might just soak up all that maximum magnesium goodness!

Happy bathing… K x